You will know the beautiful and captivating town of San Carlos while you share the day with this diaguita community knowing its history and culture. You can make instruments, participate in a craft pottery workshop and much more.

Day 1: Departure at 9.00 am from Asturias Hotel in Cafayate to San Carlos. It seems time stood still in this place. Its small streets, well-preserved houses, craftsmen and the tranquility of its people, makes San Carlos the right place for your relax. Upon our arrival, we´ll enjoy a lunch tasting food of the region in a typical restaurant and then we´ll head to Casa de los Vientos Hostal (The House of Winds) where we´ll participate with the artisans of the experience of making a musical instrument step by step. At the end of our experience, we´ll start a musical journey throughout all the country with the folk rhythms performed by Perata Yañez family orchestra while tasting a selection of malbec and torrontes wines from the small family cellars together with goat cheese and assorted breads while sitting close to the small fire in the hostal backyard. Accomodation. rience of making a musical instrument step by step. At the end of our experience, we´ll start a musical journey throughout all the country with the folk rhythms performed by Perata Yañez family orchestra while tasting a selection of malbec and torrontes wines from the small family cellars together with goat cheese and assorted breads while sitting close to the small fire in the hostal backyard. Accomodation.
Day 2: After breakfast, we´ll depart from the hostal at around 9.00 am to start our historical tour around San Carlos. We´ll visit the church which is part of the national historical heritage, the Avenue of the Doors, the craft workshop of the Santa Ana woven´s workers and then we will visit the paprika cooperative, where among exquisite aromas we will learn how the most distinctive spices of the region are made. We´ll return to our hotel to enjoy a lunch with empanadas and local wines. In the afternoon, we´ll have an experiential activity with master craftsmen who share their workshop activity: potters, making Andean flowers, weaving, metal work or felt, all with Andean iconography. After this experience, we´ll head for a 30 km journey to Cafayate. Arrival time around 6.00 pm at Asturias Hotel.
End of our services.